Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jack took NJ too!

That's my Jack on the right side of the banner. He is trying very hard to stand the way the band director instructed.....for 7 whole minutes!!


BLAH! BLAH! I am a week out from my knee surgery. I am not back to my old self, I am impatient and I am kinda blue. There is a blood clot in my calf and even though they tell me it should resolve itself on its own I am still anxious about it....and in PAIN! The doctor says I am further ahead than he thought I would be. I, unfortunately, listened to everyone who told me it would not be a big deal and expected to be even further along. Ah, the joys of getting old....and trying to keep in shape. I will never use that machine at the Y again!!!

Lancers take NJ

You can't see him very well, but up there on the jumbo-tron is my son playing his sousaphone in Giants Stadium. The outcome wasn't what we would have liked but they got to play in Giants Stadium! NYC was a unique experience this time.