Sunday, August 21, 2005

They called it soccer....

....I call it water polo played with their feet. I have never seen anything like it. I am a Mom of a goalie. I understand that we play in all kinds of weather....AND I stayed for the whole game, BUT it really was not safe. Neither team wanted to call it....too much at stake. The ball stopped dead every time it hit the ground or the pond around the Montreal goal. I am surprised we didn't have more injuries. And what will the Red WIngs say about the condition of their field in the light of day?
All I can say is WOW!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

...and now the real reason I signed on:

Just updating my online diary of life.

We've been busy at our house....well away from our house.

We left the homestead on August 4th for 9 fun filled days in North Truro, MA. We spent our week at our favorite spot; Horizons Beach Resort. While it sounds glam it is just a cozy little spot on Cape Cod Bay. We're just a hop, skip and a jump away from our favorite Cape spot ; P-town. Life there seemed to be mostly the same. Some old standbys are leaving. Papparazzi's is closing, Head of the Meadow was COLD and mung filled, The PPSCC's show was filled with beautiful work, none of which was mine (insert a pouty face here!). Race Point was wonderful and Mojo's and the Beachcomber will always be there. We had a good time and really hated to leave. Jack got to visit with the friend he made in the Turks and Caicos....Silas lives on the Cape. Small world, I say! Alex added to his musical instruments by purchasing a King 2007 silver trumpet with a cracked lead pipe. It's at the repair shop now and I guess he made himself a good deal. Someone is already trying to purchase it for 3 times what he paid. I hope he keeps it telling when a deal like that will fall into his lap again.

It is Saturday and band camp is over for another year. I had fun serving snacks and dinner with some great parents. The band sounds great and we're very excited about the show; "Pirates of the Caribbean". Pirates are a favorite theme of mine. We plan to pillage and plunder our way to a state championship at Dome this year. I can't believe this is already Alex's 3rd year.....and he's starting High School. Where does the time go?

SPAM comments?

Okay now I've seen it all! I am innundated with SPAM in my e-mail account and now these idiots are leaving "comments" in my blog. I am pushed further into believing we are nearing the end of days. This world is becoming a crazy place....and SPAM is really just the tip of that iceberg! Don't get me started......

I will now step down off my soapbox. Peace out.