Friday, May 27, 2005

Today was a GOOD day

It is the Friday of a long Memorial Day weekend. My youngest had breakfast with the principal today. A big honor for him....I am so proud of him. Unfortunately I was unable to attend with him. Thank goodness Dad was able to. I hope there are some pictures of him showing his mastery of "self control". Thank you Mrs. Theodorou. You have been an extraordinary 2nd grade teacher. You have always appreciated Jack's creative funny little self. You, we will miss!!

I spent the day at Darien Lake (yuck!) with the EIMS bands. You guys are great. It was fun....except for the ride home in such cramped quarters (Thank you Laidlaw!). Our kids did us proud once again. I am most proud of my own son....the best bassist I know! Good job Alex!

Sunday we march. Thank you to all the veterans that served our country so that we can have good days like today. I miss you favorite veteran!!


this is the life! Posted by Hello