Tuesday, June 29, 2004

shoot me now

It's summer....yay!! My boys are home from school and one is sleeping until noon every day and his Dad doesn't like it! The other one is up way too late because he wants to see Jay Leno. He doesn't usually make it, but, boy he tries.

My sister is getting married tomorrow and I am not being a very good participant. Oh well, my fault for accepting an invite to be a bridesmaid (matron!) via e-mail. Should have been my first clue that, while we live 10 minutes apart, communication is not good.

My opening was last night and was a bit of a disappointment. Bad date (too close to july 4th) and bad time (smack in the middle of the dinner hour). It was not well attended but I am very grateful to those that did make it. The art looked great and that's the important thing. Dinner at Basha's after was a highlight!

I'm off to iron the wrinkles out of my bridesmaid's skirt...hopefully next week I can start painting again!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

my "BIG" art news

Okay, it's been a whole week and I still have not found time to make a journal entry.

To be fair, it's been a busy week. My 12 year old (Alex) had an Italian final and my 7 year old (Jack) had two days left in school. My sister is getting married on July 3rd and I had to spend some time in the sun to get rid of my farmer's tan (now I have a speedo tan - oops!).

The biggest thing this week though is the show that my friend, Pat, and I have opening next week. It's not a big gallery, but it's a start, they promote us very well and it is my first real show with multiple pieces. We hung our work yesterday and the opening is July 1st (yes, 2 days before my sister's wedding - and yes, I am CRAZY!!).

I came home from hanging that show and picked up my mail. There in the mailbox was one of those envelopes I was waiting for and from the thickness of it I knew it was good news. My portrait of Jack has been accepted in the PPSCC "For Pastels Only, On Cape Cod" show. So, if you're on Cape Cod in August, go to the Creative Art's Center of Chatham and see my painting, "Call Me Luke Skywalker".

Life is good!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

I am a painting blogger

After much thought (and blog reading) I have decided to blog myself. After all, who wouldn't want to read my random thoughts and rants. So I am now a blogger but will I find the time to do this. I have so far been unable to even write in my daily journal. Perhaps by doing this I will do it. I spend entirely too much time on my computer. I should be painting not surfing.

This will be my official first entry and hopefully they will become interesting.