Saturday, August 07, 2004

OMG! I sold a painting!

I arrived home last night to a message from the gallery where my lovingly created "babies" are hanging until the end of this month. I hung them there not expecting to sell anything....just entertain the residents of the Episcopal Home. On the night of the opening my darling brother in law purchased one. I would have given it to him but he wanted to support me. I love this guy.

But this sale is to a stranger that I wasn't standing next to and they weren't feeling like, oh this is my sister, friend, etc and I really should buy one even though they seem to be so highly priced! Okay maybe it isn't a stranger....I haven't heard yet who bought it....maybe someone was feeling guilt even without me being there. I know my boys aren't old enough or wealthy enough to make such a far the guilt only seems to work on them. I guess only time will tell....but damn it feels quite good!