Friday, April 22, 2005

Crabby today!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

More answers to questions about me......

I stole this from some other blog site and since I love this kind of stuff here goes......

Name: Christine
Nickname: Mom/Chris
Astrological sign: Virgo
Age: 43 (twenty twenty three)
Height: 5'7"
Occupation: Artist/Mom
Birthplace: Houston TX
Marital status: Married
How many children: 2 boys
Do you drink (alcohol): Yes, Moretti La Rossa (I like red and/or import beers)and dry red wines (chianti lately---must be an Italian kick!) or anything with rum in it. Having said that, I drink, but rarely because I drive people around too much!
Do you smoke: NO!
Favorite outdoor activities: my morning walk to Starbucks or through Durand Eastman Park with the dog, swimming in tropical climates (well at least warm climates)
Favorite indoor activities: drawing, music, movies
Favorite colors: Blue & green and occasionally red & orange
Favorite type of music: oldies, alternative, folk, seventies r & b, pretty much anything that isn't rap
Favorite musical groups/performers: A lot of the seventies bands/artists (sorry, my formative years) and again a lot from the 90's. My 13 year old is turning me on to some interesting new stuff. Only fair since I turned him onto some great old stuff.
Favorite song at the moment: "Cannonball" Damien Rice (but I liked him before The O.C.!)/ "Our Lives" The Calling/ "Don't Let Us Get Sick" Warren Zevon (so unfair!!)
What's in your home CD/Cassette player right now: The soundtrack to Pirates of the Caribbean (my son's marching band is doing it this year---Garrr!)
What's in you car CD/Cassette player right now: David Gray "White Ladder"
Do you play an instrument: No, but everyone else in the family does
What kind of guitar do you play: I don't but my son plays a 5 string Ibanez bass
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: yes, but don't tell anyone
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up: A famous artist/author or a teacher
What would be your dream job now: A self sufficient artist or author or teacher
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope
Places you'd most like to visit: Italy (I want to paint Tuscany even though it is a cliche--the color is beautiful!)and more of the Caribbean and South Pacific Islands
Your first car: 1974 Toyota Celica GT repainted some weird light green with no shine to it.
Dream car: right now one with a transmission that works (don't ask!) but usually a 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder (James Dean....)
Car you Drive now: 2002 Honda (how far can that be from my dream car!)
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite holiday: Halloween
Favorite hobbies: drawing, knitting, reading, writing, listening to music
Favorite sport to play: swimming
Favorite sport to watch: soccer
Least favorite sport to watch: paint drying
Most humiliating moment: Oh, how can I pick just one....Dropping all my paintbrushes in front of my high school crush as I was trying to impress him. That one stands out.
Do you have any siblings: two younger sisters, Amy and Michelle
Do you get along with your parents: My parents are both gone, way too early (Mom was 49 and Dad was 53) but I always fought with Mom and was Daddy's little girl...typical!
Favorite place to chill: In my studio with my mp3 player/the beach
Favorite place to visit: North Truro/P-Town MA
What is your bad time of day: dinner-time
What is your good time of day: early morning before everyone is up or early evening
Favorite flower/plant: English roses
Favorite subject in school: English/Art
Least favorite subject in school: Math
Favorite authors: Stephen King, Wally Lamb, Michael Cunningham, usually the author of the book I am reading at the moment
Favorite book genre: fiction in general and good non-fiction....don't like romances
Favorite book: Do I have to pick?
Current book I'm reading: "The Faith of a Writer" by Joyce Carol Oates but I have a few more I want to get to.
Favorite magazine: Pastel Journal, US (a guilty pleasure), International Artist, Tracks
Favorite movie of all time: It's a Wonderful Life
Other favorite movies: too many to name but I like independents or quirky tales and the occasional blockbuster
Favorite actors/actresses: Jimmy Stewart/Tom Hanks/Johnny Depp/Jude Law/Philip Seymour Hoffman ~ Meryl Streep/Susan Sarandon/Joan Allen/Natalie Portman
Favorite cartoon character: Tommy Pickles
Favorite food: tiramisu or baklava and a cappuccino/good cup of black coffee ~ anything Italian and meatfree
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Favorite alcoholic Drink: Rum and Diet Coke w/lime or some boat drink
What is your bedtime: 11:12 PM (after the weather) later on the weekend
Worst enemies: I can't let them know who they are!
Interesting fact about your childhood: I lived in 6 places before I was 12
The first thing you think of in the morning: lunches, checking homework, loading bookbags, the school bus and coffee at Starbucks
Favorite thing to do when you're home alone: paint, read in peace, knit or surf the net
Things that make you feel good: a good night's sleep, a long walk, a day on the beach, painting.....
Things you don't like: intolerance, ignorance, mean spirited people
Worst feeling in the world: that knot in your stomach when someone gives you bad news
Scariest feeling in the world: First hours alone with your new baby....what do I do now? Luckily instinct takes over!
Best feeling in the world: Being loved
Do you get motion sickness: Ever since I had my's awful!
Roller Coasters - Deadly or Exciting: exciting!
Thunderstorms - Cool or Scary: Very Cool
Pen or Pencil: Pen - more permanent
Do you like to drive: I like to drive, I have to drive...I get motion sickness
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No....but my 8 year old does climb into bed with me A LOT!
Did you have imaginary friends or a blanket as a child: No, stuffed animals and my thumb
What is on the walls of your room: really awful old wall paper and an Andrew Wyeth print of a dog sleeping on the bed
What words or phrases do you overuse: What?, Shhh!, S*#+ and when I am trying to be good in front of the boys, "Oh boogers!" (lame, I know)
Coolest things anyone ever gave you: I don't know if it's cool or been "given" to me, but I have a lot of wonderful memories of things that have happened in my life. Yeah, that's pretty cool!
How would you characterize your political leanings: Left (yes I am a commie liberal)
If you could pick one super-human power, what would you choose: The ability to fly...skip the lycra tights

Favorite Quotes/Lyrics/Poems:

"Believe it and it will come true" ~ Jimmy Buffet

"Don't just paint the sleeve, become the arm" ~ NC Wyeth

"Good night, sleep tight, God keep you all right" ~ Jack (from a book he read in school)

"These are the days worth living,
these are the years we're given,
these are the moments,
these are the times,
lets make the best out of our lives" ~ The Calling

"Don't let us get sick
Don't let us get old
Don't let us get stupid, alright?
Just make us be brave
and make us play nice
and let us be together tonight"
Don't let us get sick ~ Warren Zevon

Monday, April 11, 2005

Spamalot...or how the Norris' took on the Big Apple

A week ago I was recovering from a very late return flight from NYC. I knew it wasn't good when the seats at the gate were full of people. I hadn't even uttered the dreaded words, "how pretty, you can't see the top of the buildings.", this time. We were supposed to be home by 10:30pm but our flight didn't board until almost 11:00pm.

It started off well. Friday was sunny and warm. My purse broke before we left Rochester and that can't be good. I couldn't buy the first black backpack purse I saw on the street. No, I had to investigate Saks and other 5th Avenure stores. I sought guidance at St. Thomas Episcopal Church. I returned to the street vendor and purchased the purse. I had wasted the only sunny afternoon of the trip.

"Spamalot" was GREAT. I am glad that we were able to find tickets. They were so worth it. Jack, my little Monty Python fan, would have LOVED it. Alas this was a grown up trip. We had a wonderful dinner after the show at Trattoria d'opo Teatro. The tiramisu was yummy good.

Saturday started with a greek omelet and coffee. Sustinance! We went to the Frick Collection. It was not the MOMA but it was so much less busy and there were some very interesting pieces of art work. I can't believe we had never been there before. Then we decided to go on an adventure. We rode the subway out to Coney Island. It involved some thought and train changing (both necessary and unnecessary). It was cool to see Nathan's and the Cyclone, but by the time we got out there it was raining so hard we didn't dare take our wind whipped umbrellas off the train. We waved goodbye and headed back to Manhattan. We then stood in the driving rain at the Half Price ticket line to get tickets for "Fiddler on the Roof". Another great show. I love Harvey Firestein and Andrea Martin. We returned to a restaurant we enjoyed last year, Molyvo's on 7th Avenue. Fabulous greek food and baklava to die for.

Sunday we awoke to one less hour of sleep and more rain. Another restaurant, another greek omelet and on we go. I insisted upon a trip to Ellis Island. I have always wanted to go and now that the Statue of Liberty is open and all the other crazy tourists! All I can say is it was worth the aggravation of a near strip search and a trip in the rain. I nearly cried when I entered Ellis Island and saw all those suitcases. I had relatives that came through there. wow.

That was all we had time for. That and a parting dinner at Houlihans. As John put it, "That was stupid. We could have eaten here at home." On to the airport and the L O N G wait to go home. It's funny how you really don't want to leave but once you start the process you want to be home. I missed my boys.

my first visit to the great lady Posted by Hello