Saturday, January 06, 2007

What have I done since I last posted.......

Well, let's see.

1) I fell off the side of the driveway, jammed my sore shoulder and did something to my neck

2) This gave me further excuse to avoid learning the new workout equipment at the YMCA (what if I did major damage to my neck!)

3) Managed to avoid the Vicodin that I still have in the cupboard from last year's surgery....I was "sorely" tempted though

4) I spent numerous hours with a heating pad on my neck, knitting and enjoying the same numerous hours with Tyra and America's Next Top Models ("antm" to those of us hip enough to send numerous hours watching :-D

5) I still don't know who won the last cycle.....must google.....

6) I also drove Alex to and from school, music practices, rehearsals, and lessons, picked up pizza for dinner and drove Craig home after he hung out for a while. The neck injury did not keep me from my daily 4 mile walk.

7) Tomorrow I plan to get up, take Jack for choir practice, attend church and pray for a speedy recovery lest I find another VH1 show to spend hours in front of.

8) Monday it all starts over again

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Chicago Jazz Redux

I am trying to keep up with my goals. I am updating again today. I didn't get to much else on the list and this painting is one I finished in October but I intend to keep at my goals. I will post the last painting I did in 2006 next and when I finish the first painting of 2007 you all will be the first to see it....well aside from my art buddies.

As we prepare for this year's Jazz Band trip to Montreal I am reminiscent of last year's trip to Chicago. I took this photo of Ryan and liked it so much I decided to paint him. I am missing some of the band parents that have left us, along with their kids :-( I am becoming one of the parents that have been around's odd because it seems like just yesterday that Alex started with the marching band.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My goals for 2007:

*Update my blog more often (thanks for the wake up Dan!)
*Paint more prolifically
*Enter more competitions (and WIN some stuff!)
*Join the Portrait Society and go to a convention so I can meet my favorite artists (Okay, not my favorite artists, because I see you all every week)
*Get trained on the new equipment at the Y so I can get back to my routine
*Live like John Lennon imagined we should
*Get Alex to write his thank you notes and start thinking more about college (yes, I am one of those mothers!)
*Get Jack to stop yelling my name across the house when he wants something
*Get over my hair blowing in the wind issues and go for more rides with John
**Love and enjoy my life even more**
In the immortal words of Alex and Craig (and Shakespeare),